CSA Accessibility Fund
We believe in a world where all people, of all backgrounds, have access to the very best fresh, organic vegetables full of vitality! It is with this goal in mind that we are starting the Ottawa Farm Fresh CSA Accessibility Fund - a community venture to bring great food to as many families as possible!
Spring Energy Is Rising - Yoga & Kirtan at the Farm
Plant your soles on the earth and join us to absorb some of that rising spring energy on Saturday May 7th, when Śraddhā returns to the Farm for a mindful, all-levels yoga class followed by kirtan. Come for one or the other, or treat yourself to a full morning of self-care at the Farm!
Farm Store Grand Opening - May 19, 2022
The day is nearly here - the first day of the Ottawa Farm Fresh season!
CSA Starts in 6 Weeks!
Life is busy, believe us, we get it! Committing to anything in these uncertain times is difficult, and this might have you thinking that a CSA just won’t work for you. Well, let us tell you why if there was ever a CSA program that could fit into your schedule, the Ottawa Farm Fresh Summer Abundance is it!