Getting Dirty with Ottawa Farm Fresh
We are passionate about growing amazing vegetables, but we are just as passionate about growing soil. Yes, growing soil! Why do we do all of this? Because we are stewards of the earth and through cooperation we all benefit. When you support the Farm, you support the earth, and together we can all thrive!
Early Bird 2022 CSA Special!
From October 21 to 31st we will be offering the best deal you can imagine on our Summer 2022 CSA. Lock up your spot between these dates and you will be treated to a trifecta of treats that will not be offered at any other time.
What is CSA and Why Does it Matter?
You might have heard the term CSA and wondered what it exactly it meant. The short answer is that it’s a basket of produce from a local farm - simple enough. In reality, it is so much more. For us, our CSA is all about building connections between farm and community, sustaining each other in a mutually beneficial relationship.
Eat Local This Winter with the Ottawa Farm Fresh Winter CSA
When you sign up for the Ottawa Farm Fresh Winter Abundance CSA you will receive a weekly CSA basket of hearty winter vegetables to keep you warm and cozy through until New Year.