Eat Local This Winter with the Ottawa Farm Fresh Winter CSA

The Top Three Reasons to Join Us for Winter CSA


1. We grow the most delicious greens in Ottawa!


If you go into a grocery store even now you will find that the greens on the shelves are imported. Not only does this increase the carbon footprint, they are also not as fresh, and most importantly, are nowhere near as delicious! While growing greens in the winter requires a little more care than in the summer, nature rewards us for that extra effort by producing the sweetest leaves of the season. A touch of frost develops the natural sugars within the plant, which acts as a natural antifreeze, and also makes them super delicious! We know that you value the quality and flavour of Ottawa Farm Fresh veggies, so let’s keep your taste buds happy all the way to New Year!


Want to know how we can keep growing food while it’s snowing outside? Find out here.


2. Be part of a resilient, local food system


Farming in the winter is different from the summer. While we do continue to grow as much as possible, the reality is that very few plants thrive in cooler temperatures and low light. This means that prudent planning and storage is necessary to keep us all enjoying local veggies throughout the autumn and winter. So help us help you by signing up as early as possible so that we know how much to plant, how much to store, and how much we have left to share throughout the local community.






3. Support regenerative agricultural practices

Organic farm Ottawa


The earth beneath our feet is so much more than dirt - it’s a whole world of organisms all working together in a symbiotic relationship that is fundamental to the functioning of our world. Supporting the health of the soil beneath our feet, and the environment we are surrounded by, is fundametal to our farming practice. As farmers we are not trying to dominate the natural world, but to work with it in a reciprocal relationship in which we all flourish - we feed the soil, and in return it feeds us.

So How Does this Winter CSA work?

When you sign up for the Ottawa Farm Fresh Winter Abundance CSA you will receive a weekly CSA basket of hearty winter vegetables to keep you warm and cozy through until New Year. What you fill your basket with will be a combination of storage crops like carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage, daikon radish, winter squash, and garlic to name a few. On top of that, our caterpillar tunnels and greenhouse will provide a bounty of frost-tolerant veggies such as kale, chard, spinach, asian greens, and arugula for as long as the season allows. This year we will also be offering fresh and delicious microgreens from our indoor grow room!

Give me the Winter CSA details!

Dates: 9 weeks - beginning November 3 and ending December 29, 2021

Pick up: Weekly pick up at the Farm on Wednesdays from 2pm-7pm. We are asking that pick up slots be booked in advance to allow for prompt and efficient distribution and to minimize/eliminate wait times.

Wondering what you might find in your Winter CSA baskets? Click here to take a look at some examples.

What our members say about our Winter CSA baskets

"This week was the last winter CSA pickup from Ottawa Farm Fresh. We got salad mix!! What is this wizardry? I am skiing and 5km away they are growing salad mix! Needless to say we are switching our summer CSA to these guys."
-Megan, Winter 2020 & Summer 2021 CSA member
organic local winter vegetables ottawa

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