About Ottawa Farm Fresh
Why do we farm? Great question!
Because we believe good organic food deserves to be eaten as close as possible to where it is grown... our farm is located less than 12 minutes from downtown Ottawa, on a farm we rent from the NCC with a 25 year lease in the Ottawa Greenbelt.
Because we believe eating ultra-local should also be ultra-convenient for you... our farm location on the outskirts of Ottawa means that we are within easy reach of the whole city. Our on site farm store is always stocked with fresh, seasonal produce ready to be the centerpiece of any meal.
Because we believe that agriculture can heal the land AND nurture the mind, body, and soul of the local community... we use 100% Organic growing methods on the farm. Learn more about our passion for organic growing on YouTube.
Because we love food as much as you do... all our vegetables are freshly harvested, washed, and of the highest quality.
Because it's an honour to farm for you and your family... Thank you.

Ottawa Farm Fresh in the News
Farming the Greenbelt: five Ottawa farms to visit this summer - Canadian Geographic
Former med student continues quest to positively impact Ottawa organic farming industry - CityNEWS
Ottawa Farm Fresh: Farm means family - Glue
Livin' Local - CTV News Ottawa
Growing in the Greenbelt: Ottawa Farm Fresh - Vistas (p. 37)
Have energy, will build farm - McGill in Focus (p. 5)