Tending a garden is a perfect example of how one needs to focus on the journey, not just the destination. Gardening isn’t simply about the final harvest, it’s about all of the care, thought, and attention put into it throughout the course of the season. Getting out into your garden on a regular basis allows for mindful presence, a connection to the earth and natural environment, and builds a relationship with your plants. This presence, along with regular maintenance, will allow you, and your garden, to bloom.
When caring for your garden throughout the year there are three main considerations to be made; irrigation, weed control, and pest management. Farmer Jo has some tips and tricks straight from the greenhouse to make sure that your garden thrives and produces the bounty you’ve been dreaming of.
One inch of water per week is the magic number. That’s how much water your garden needs on average to thrive. If you are so inclined, you can determine the flow rate of your hose and calculate how long it will take to reach the desired soaking (try this calculator). Or, you can buy or make a rain gauge and use that to determine if your garden is getting enough water.
Either way, it’s important to connect with your soil, digging in with your hands, to see what’s happening below the surface. Check to see if the water is pooling anywhere. Are you watering sufficiently but the soil is still dry underneath? These observations are key to the success of your garden.
Weed Control
What is a weed really? It’s just anything you don’t want in your patch of garden. Many common garden “weeds”, like dandelion, thistle, and crabgrass, are simply plants that are incredibly well adapted to dealing with disturbed soil and are thereby difficult to eradicate. There are three main approaches that the home gardener can employ to deal with weeds and limit their ability to take over the garden.
Pest Management
In organic farming and gardening the key to pest control is prevention, not treatment. The reality is that organic pest control products simply aren’t as effective as conventional chemical products, so you need to catch issues early on - you need to nip them in the bud, so to speak.
Observation is key.
Get out in your garden, look at your plants, and be aware of what’s going on in their world. Is there evidence of insects like little holes in plant leaves? Are squirrels or rabbits getting in and making a buffet of your garden? Cultivate your observational skills and really get to know your garden and what’s happening in its world.
Mindful presence = a happy garden and a happy gardener!
Don't forget that our first annual seedling pre-sale is still on and selling out fast. Get your orders in for our organically grown and lovingly tended vegetable seedlings soon and we'll help you make this years garden amazing!