LATEST FROM THE FARM — Gardening Series
You Can Grow Amazing Tomatoes At Home
Tomatoes are one of the most rewarding vegetables to grow. If you want to take the leap into tomato growing this season, or want to learn how to increase your harvest, Farmer Jo is here to pass on some of his tips for growing your very own Farm Fresh tomatoes!
Get Gardening with Farmer Jo: Prepping Your Garden for a Great Growing Season
Here at Ottawa Farm Fresh, first and foremost we grow soil. This is why our carrots are the most delicious you’ve ever tasted - our soil is teeming with life. You too can grow delicious vegetables at home simply by adopting a few of the garden prep techniques that we use here at the Farm. Click to learn more!
Get Gardening with Farmer Jo: Home Garden Planning
Winter is the time for planning here at the Farm, pouring over seed catalogues and thinking about all that could be - what to grow, learning new techniques, and trialing new and exciting veg. Farmer Jo loves crop planning and the winter is the time to do that.
Falling for Autumn Gardening - Farmer to Gardener Webinar with Farmer Jo
If you are growing a home garden you are probably starting to bring in harvests, with summer vegetables starting to ripen thick and fast. When the garden is filled with the abundance of high summer it is easy to just sit back and enjoy the harvests, but believe it or not, there is still lots of time to plant seeds in the soil and keep harvesting garden fresh veggies well into the autum