Microgreens are for more than just topping salads! Try adding some to your favourite cooked dishes, like this Microgreen Frittata - all the goodness of greens in a tiny, delicious package.
Microgreens Frittata
1/4 cup microgreens
1 large egg plus 2 egg whites
2 tsp milk
2 Tbsp grated hard cheese
Salt & Pepper
Cooking Spray, or oil/butter for greasing the dish
Pre-Heat & Mix Up
Place a 1-cup ramekin (or heatproof dish, a small mug will do in a pinch) on a baking sheet & place in the oven. Preheat to 425 degrees. Meanwhile, whisk egg whites & egg with 1 Tablespoon of cheese, & milk. Add salt & pepper to your liking. Tip: If your cheese is salty, use less salt. Stir all of the chopped microgreens into the egg mixture.
Carefully remove the hot dish from the oven. Coat with cooking spray, or if using oil/butter, very carefully oil the dish. Then, while the dish is still piping hot, pour in egg mixture and top with the remaining cheese. Bake until the eggs are puffed & browning, about 15 minutes.