Farm Fresh Recipes — parsley



This recipe for Briam makes such great use of all the Farm Fresh veggies we have available right now - tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, potatoes, onions, and garlic. Your house will never smell better than when this is baking away!

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This Shakshuka recipe is easy to prepare, can be enjoyed any time of the day, and is filled with Farm Fresh veggies - it ticks all of the boxes for us! Feel free to add extra veggies to the sauce (kale makes everything better!) or switch up the spices using whatever you prefer or have on hand.

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Gremolata Recipe

Gremolata Recipe

A quick parsley based sauce/condiment to add to grilled meat or vegetables, spread on a sandwich, or use to top a salad.

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Zucchini Garlic Bites

Zucchini Garlic Bites

Zucchini is such a versatile vegetables. It's subtle flavour makes it a great base for some many tasty treats, from thesem savoury Zucchini Garlic Bites, to sweet zucchini muffins and chocolate zucchini bread.

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